Objective: The present study aims at studying the effectiveness of Kinesio tape in video game players with gamers thumb by comparing the pre and post (48 hours) pain score and grip strength.
Background: Dequervain's disease also known as Gamer’s thumb is thought to be due to thickening of synovial sheath containing the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicislongus tendons. This causes pain and swelling over radial side of wrist accompanied by increased difficulty in gripping objects. Kinesio taping has been commonly used in orthopedic and sports settings and gradually becoming an adjunct treatment option for other musculoskeletal impairments.
Methodology: 30 video game players were selected. Kinesio taping was done using 3 pieces of kinesio tape. Pain intensity was evaluated using Numerical Rating Scale while the hand grip strength using Jamar Dynamometer. Measurements were recorded at baseline and after 48 hours of intervention. The statistical analysis was done using Graph Pad Prism 8.3.1 software.
Results: The intra group analysis revealed that both pain and grip strength showed significant difference (P<0.001) post the intervention.
Conclusion: Results revealed that there is significant reduction in pain and increase in grip strength post 48 hours of intervention.