Every nation of the world is endowed with one resource or the other, in terms of minerals, water and human resource. The contributions of human resources to national growth and development depends on the training received and this helps to put other resources into effective use. In Nigeria past neglect on woman education has led to several rural women not educated, women are said to be at a disadvantaged position. Access to education, school provisions and relations of contents to gainful employment are some of the factors militating against women empowerment (Okeke,2006; Ezeudo, 2008). Education to the Nigeria government is the key to national development; it Boosts nation’s economy and self reliance. Actualization of these leads to transformed education but it is far from this because many of the citizens are illiterate especially women. Science Education is expected to produce informed citizens of good quality equipped with appropriate knowledge and high technical skills groomed with practical dexterity to use their hands, heads and hearts for self-reliance and National development. Science has been acknowledged all over the world as a tool for national development and it is a necessity in all areas of human endeavor. Current development in science has greatly affected the lives of every human being such that if the knowledge of science is ignored, it means that man lives in an empty and meaningless world therefore the rural woman should not be left out of science Knowledge. Science also has contributed to human lives in areas such as health, nutrition, agriculture, transportation, material and energy production and industrial development. It is in view of this that the authors chose to develop and validate a science education package for the rural woman to acquire science knowledge and skills for entrepreneurship to better their lives and for national development.
This paper examined entrepreneur skills in science that will be taught to rural women as a skill acquisition that are suitable for entrepreneurial Endeavors, it also looked at how the rural woman will have personal and national development through such skills, that is a process of providing individuals with the ability to recognize commercial opportunities, self-esteem, knowledge and skills to act on them.