Purishavaha Srotas is one of the BahirmukhaSrotas. As name indicates, it is related with formation and excretion of Purisha. According to Sushrut Samhita, Mulasthana of Purishavaha Srotas is Pakwashaya and Guda. Any malfunctioning of Purishavaha Srotas may lead to abnormality in Purisha. This is applicable to other way also. Any abnormality in Purisha may affect functions of Purishavaha Srotas. Functions of Purishavaha Srotas mainly represented in the form of Purisha and Purishavega. Purisha is formed by the action of Jatharagni on Ahara. Therefore, Paripindita Swarupa of Purisha depends upon Jatharagni. Vegadharana. Vega is Purishavega i.e. urge of defecation. Purishavegadharana means avoiding urge of defecation. Adhovata (flatus) Vegadharana also affects Purishavaha Srotas. Because of Agantu Hetu like Purishavegadharana, Gativilomata of Vayu will be there resulting into Jatharagni Vikruti and Purisha Vikruti