Society is made up of men and women and we see both the genders in light. But hidden is the third gender, the transgender, who are called as the “Special Children of God”. They are in between the masculism and feminism. These transgenders are not accepted by our normal build up society. They think of them as dirt or loop hole of the society. But in reality, they too are the creation of god just like men and women. Our Indian Constitution had given right to every citizen of our country no matter male, female or transgender. These people are given stink eyes whenever they made a step in field of education or employment. Instead of supporting and providing education to the third gender, they were mistreated and were thrown out of their own families and society. Because of these consequences, some of them hide their feelings to themselves thinking if someone came to know about them, they will be disowned publically. Majority of transgenders are in prostitution and some even beg for food and money in order to survive. This is a separate community in itself just like other communities of our country. Back in few years only, transgenders have came across in public to fight for their rights in society. After a long term of court case, finally they too are considered as a part of our society. In job forms also, a new column of gender has been mentioned. Our constitution provides opportunities for everyone who is the citizen of India under the Part III directing the Fundamental Rights (Article 14 to 30).