Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and attitude that students have about contraceptive methods in two secondary schools in Chilpancingo, Guerrero. Methods: Quantitative cross-sectional comparative study included Students of Federal High School Antonio I. Delgado with 900 students and Technical High School No. 30 Lázaro Cárdenas del Rio with 774 students with a total population of 1674. Sampling was performed Simple randomized stratified information was obtained through a questionnaire of 52 questions. Results: The level of knowledge in the technique was obtained 55.6% is regular, however, in ESFAID 55.7% has a good knowledge. According to the attitude, it is shown that 48.6% in the Technique is unfavorable, while in ESFAID 39.7% is indifferent. Conclusion: It is worth mentioning that regarding the knowledge of adolescents in technique No. 30, it was obtained that the majority have regular knowledge, while in the ESFAID we found that the level of knowledge was good, however, in relation to the level of attitude He was unfavorable in Technique No. 30 and in ESFAID he showed an indifferent attitude emphasizing that Federal High School I. Delgado presented greater knowledge and a better attitude towards contraceptive methods.