Aim: To determine the level of job satisfaction of nursing professionals in Apollo Hospital, Navi Mumbai. Methods: The study included nurses from all the departments of Apollo Hospital, Navi Mumbai. 57 Nurses were from Ward, 45 ICU nurses, 6 nurses from Operation Theatre and 42 Nurses from other department which included OPD, Endoscopy and Radiology. The percentage of Female Nurses 111 (74%) was more in number with regards to Male Nurses with a number of 39 (26%). One structured survey questionnaire was administered to the Nurses, which included 6 different parameters mainly; Job Satisfaction, Working Environment, Welfare benefits, Nursing Administration, Current Organization, Training and Education Facilities; all these parameters were evaluated with a total of 28 questions. The questions included both positive and negative questions evaluated on a 5 point Likert-type scale. An Informed consent was taken from each Nurse and Confidentiality was maintained throughout the research. The selection of the Nurses was based on their availability and willingness. The data was collected for a period of 15 days from 02/03/2019 – 17/03/2019. Results: 18.7% (28) Nurses were highly satisfied and 81.3% (122) Nurses were satisfied with their Job. Conclusion: Satisfied employees play a crucial role in an organization’s success, so health care organizations must be aware of the importance of employees’ job satisfaction. It is recommended to monitor employees’ job satisfaction levels on an annual basis.