Objectives- The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of dental anomalies in the jammu & kashmir population.
Method: A retrospective study of 3000 patients and students, who attended the Department of oral pathology, Indira Gandhi Dental Dental College & hospital between april 2017 to january 2019 was done. The ages of the patients ranged from 13 to 38 years with a mean age of 21.8 years. The orthopanto-mographs (OPGs) and dental records were examined for any unusual finding such as congenitally missing teeth, impactions, ectopic eruption, supernumerary teeth, odontoma, dilacerations, taurodontism, dens in dente, germination and fusion, among others.
Results: 900 (33.3%) patients had at least one dental anomaly. The congenitally missing teeth 366 (40.6%) had the highest prevalence, followed by impacted teeth 480 (53.3%), supernumerary teeth 24 (0.26%) and microdontia 15 (0.01%). Other anomalies were found at lower prevalence ranging from transposition 7 (0.007%) to ectopic eruption 8 (0.008%).
Conclusion: The most prevalent anomaly in the jammu & kashmir population was impacted teeth (53.3%), and the second frequent anomaly was congenitally missing teeth (40.6%), whereas, macrodontia, odontoma and transposition were the least frequent anomalies, with a prevalence of 0.01%, 0.08% and 0.07% respectively. While the overall prevalence of these anomalies may be low, the early diagnosis is imperative for the patient management and treatment planning.