Background: In low resource settings of a developing country PAP test screening remains mainstay for detection of carcinoma cervix. In order to counsel women and to organise a public health system for carcinoma cervix screening by PAP smear it is imperative to know the pattern of premalignant and malignant lesions. Aim: The present study was undertaken in a tertiary care hospital in Wayanad, a remote district in North Kerala to know the spectrum of lesions seen on PAP smear examination. No significant data is available in this district till now. Material &Methods: The study was conducted over a period of two years. All the cases of PAP smear received in cytopathology section of deptt of pathology were included. The lesions were categorised on basis of Bethesda classification after staining with Rapid PAP technique. Results: Out of total 496 adequate cases 67 cases (13.8%) showed ECA. ASCUS 11(2.21%); LSIL 30 (6.04%); HSIL 12(2.42%); Carcinoma cervix 11(2.21%); AGUS 3(0.6%). 429 cases showed NILM of which non specific inflammation was most commonly reported in 89.9% cases. Conclusion: Cervical cytology by PAP smears is a simple, effective and safe test to detect premalignant and malignant lesions of carcinoma cervix at an early stage and helps clinicians in early and more efficient management of the patients.