The era of globalization and the free market has caused the interruption of investors, corporations, industry in various fields. The coastal areas of Karangasem and other parts of Bali are the places to be invested, because of their strategic location and high value. This paper is a result of a study that can provide some information about the condition of traditional village in coastal Karangasem regency. A special study was conducted on Indigenous Villages Bugbug, Desa Adat Perasi and Seraya Traditional Villages, which are coastal villages as well as entering into the tourism area plan. Traditionally coastal land is associated with the customary ritual procession of the local community, so its management is based on the concept of Kaja-Kelod and Nyegara-Gunung. Coastal land for the village community function and social religious value, social culture, social economy, social community, social ecological and social defense. The transition of land rights management, ownership and utilization causes the community to lose the function and value of the land. Therefore this paper tries to explore problems with qualitative analysis methods. The things that are explored are the local coastal potential problems, the issue of transitional rights mechanisms, problems that arise as a result of mastery and solutions that become alternative solutions.