Maize is an important crop for food and nutritional security in India. Strong market demand and resilience of maize to abiotic and biotic stresses have increased the area and production of maize in the country over the past decade. However, productivity of maize, has not increased proportionately and significant yield gaps are evident across maize growing areas in the country.
Keeping this in view, a field study was carried out at Experimental farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University to find out most efficient and economic combination of different organic and inorganic sources of nutrients to increase the productivity of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) without deteriorating the soil qualities. Ten different treatments with three replications each were carried out in randomised block design.
INM practice including pressmud based vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 and with recommended dose of NPK showed its best results with respect to yield parameters like number of grains per cob, 100 seed weight and yield. The difference in available soil nitrogen, phosporus and pottasium due to different organic and inorganic treatments were significantly superior in post harvest soil over control. Among the different organic manures, pressmud based vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 with RDF recorded higher post harvest soil N, P and K. The least soil available nutrient content was noticed in control treatment plot in post harvest soil.