Biofertilizers are microbial inoculants which helps the plant growth and development through supply of plant nutrients. The commonly available biofertilizers are biological nitrogen fixers and phosphate solubilizers. Phosphate solubilizing biofertilizers (PSB) are carrier based preparation containing living cells of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes which help in increasing crop productivity by way of helping in solubilization of insoluble phosphorus, stimulating plant growth by providing hormones, vitamins and other growth factors. The present study was aimed at to study the nursery performance of different formulations of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) in cow pea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). The selected elite PSB strain was mass multiplied and prepared the bioformulation with different carrier materials such as composted coir pith, lignite, organic manure, vermicompost and vermiculite. The result indicated that the there was significant differences were observed in the growth as well as biochemical parameters of cow pea. The response was varied with carrier material. Among them, composted coirpith was the superior in both growth and biochemical responses of cow pea.