Objective: To correlate functional capacity and waist circumference in normal individual in age group of 20-30 years.
Backgound: The extent to which a person can increase exercise intensity and maintain increase level depend largely on cardiovascular fitness. Functional capacity is the ability of an individual to perform aerobic work as defines by the maximal oxygen uptake .It is a physical capacity to perform activities of daily living in a safe and independent manner without undue fatigue. Physical exercise may constitute a valuable tool in attempting to implement more efficient therapeutic approaches that effectively improve functional capacity and quality of life. A recent review of functional walking test concluded that 6MWT is easy to administer, better tolerated and more reflective of functional capacity than the other walk test. Waist circumference is more accurate measure of the distribution of body fat has been shown to be most strongly associated with morbidity and mortality.
Methodology: 60 females will be taken according to the above mentioned selection criteria for the study. Prior to the study a written inform consent will be taken from each subject in the language best understood by them. Each subject’s waist measurement will be taken prior to the test. Each subject is categorized according to BMI. A 6MWT will be performed outdoors, along a long, flat, straight, corridor with a hard surface. The working course will be 30 m in length. Starting line which marks the beginning and end of each 60 m lap will be marked on the floor using brightly coloured tape. The subjects will be made to sit and rest in chair located near the starting position for at least 10 minutes during this time basic parameters blood pressure, respiratory rate and pulse pressure will be noted and Borg scale will be taken in standing position at rest. The subject will be instructed. The objective of this test is to walk as far as possible for 6 mins. Subject should walk “FAR AS POSSIBLE” for six minute but don’t run or jog. Ask the subject to start 6MWT. When the 6 mins are over say this: “Stop!” Walk over the patient taking the chair. And then again parameters will be taken in 1min, 3mins after the test. Document the number of laps and calculate the total distance walked, rounding the nearest meter.
Result and Conculsion: Total score was calculated and the results were interpreted. The results showed that there is negative correlation between functional capacity and waist circumference in normal healthy individual in age group of 20-30 years.