Objectives: A systematic review of original research articles analyzed to evaluate the effect of lifestyle modification counseling on glycemic control, treatment cost, and quality of life in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients.
Methods: Original articles searched through PubMed, Medline, Scopus, and EMBASE and database published between 2007 and 2017. This systematic review has been searched for total 242 research articles on the effect of lifestyle based counseling in diabetes patients. Out of 242 total 40 articles (18 articles for glycemic control, 8 diabetes treatment cost and 14 article for HR-QoL) matched the inclusion criteria and remaining (n=202) articles excluded due to irrelevant to study objectives.
Results: All included and discussed studies on lifestyle-based counseling showed significant improvement in glycemic control, reduction in medical treatment with significant improvement in the Quality of Life in T2DM patients.
Conclusion: Reviewed studies conclude that lifestyle modification counseling is an effective, noninvasive, cost-effective intervention procedure to prevent and control type 2diabetes mellitus. Below stated studies have some limitations and suggestion which conclude the further requirement of multi-centric randomize controlled studies in India with special reference to treatment cost for diabetes and long-term effects on quality of life in T2DM patients with comprehensive lifestyle holistic approaches.