Background: In spite of the access to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), anemia is still the most common hematological abnormality in HIV seropositives which results in rapid disease progression.
Methods: An observational study was conducted among a sample of 214 patients who met the inclusion criteria and the necessary data was collected in a priorly designed data collection form.
Results: Out of 214 patients, 197 (92%) were anemic and moderate anemia is comparatively higher in the sample population (97; 49.24%). Gender distribution reveals that anemia is comparatively higher in women 113 (57.36%) than in men 84 (42.64%). 77(39.1%) belong to the age group of 31-40 yrs. Tuberculosis was the most commonly observed opportunistic infection in the sample population.
Conclusion: Periodic screening for anemia with preventive and treatment strategies should be considered the prime importance in settings which offer HIV treatment and care.