There are numerous effective and dynamic elemental strengths, for example, technological disruption, varying economies or demographical changes, which have opened up numerous doors with additional dangers for associations, and have metamorphosed societies from everywhere throughout the world. So, with a perspective of adapting to these moving strengths, governments, open and private associations, the people in general are progressively becoming recognizant of the significance of entrepreneurship. Business entrepreneurship is a multifaceted marvel, being anatomized as a procedure, a resource or a condition of-being. With a reference to the Schumpeterian view, the entrepreneurial procedure incorporates one of the essential components in the financial amelioration of a nation/area. Nevertheless, scientists have communicated distinctive perspectives about the relationship amongst the phases of financial advancement or economic development and entrepreneurship amid the time. The essential objectives of this very particular work, are to analyze in a compendious way about the ideas of entrepreneurship impacting the economic development, and to accentuate the contribution of entrepreneurship in ameliorating the economic condition. The propounded approach used in this specific work is based solely on literature review. Our propounded work facilitates a theoretical model that highlights a number of the primary factors entailed in the relationship amongst economic development and entrepreneurship. Like never before in the history, entrepreneurship and economic amelioration have turned out to be firmly interconnected.