Introduction: Today is the era of global competition which starts from the very beginning of the childhood. Childhood is the phase in which the child’s grasping power and retention power progresses to reach an optimum level. Foundation of an intelligent citizen is laid during this phase of life. Medha is a specific intellectual ability of an individual, responsible for encoding and retaining a large amount of knowledge. Medhya rasayanas are said to be promote these most needful abilities in early childhood. Hence in search of safe and effective drug for promoting Medha. The present trial was planned to evaluate the role of Guduchi-Apamargadi Rasayana on IQ level of school going children of age 8-12years.
Material and methods: Study design- Interventional pre– post test without control. Participants- 30 apparently healthy children (8-12 years age), of either sex having IQ level between 80 to110. Intervention- Dose of the trial drug was calculated by Young’s formula and it was 4.8gms, 5.4gms, 6.0gms and 6.6gms for children of age 8yrs, 9yrs, 10yrs and 11 yrs respectively. Dry powder of Guduchi-Apamargadi Rasayana was given in two divided doses with ghrita before food. Intervention period- 3 months. Outcome measure- IQ level.
Results: Statistically highly significant results were observed in Total IQ, Verbal IQ and Performance IQ.
Conclusion:Guduchi-Apamargadi Rasayana increases IQ level of school going children of age 8-12 years.