Objective: To study the uses of Papers 53 app as a means of teaching.
Methods: 50 participants were asked to study the written material and 50 participants were asked to listen to the video. A self formulated questionnaire on the same topic was distributed amongst the students to test their learning and compare the efficacy of the two methods. Friedman’s test was applied for statistical analysis.
Results: Percentage of respondents answering the test correctly with the text learning method is 36.2%, while 36.6% of the respondents answered correctly with the video learning method.
The Friedman test has indicated on analysis of the differences in the medians of both methods, that there is no significant difference with a p value of 0.077.
Conclusion: Audio-visual methods play a dynamic role in the teaching learning process at the University level. It has been seen that these methods are as effective as the conventional teaching learning process using written material.