Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) first case was reported in 1986 and now there are an estimated 21.17 lakhs people living with HIV/AIDSin India of which 6.54% are children (<15 years) with an adult prevalence of 0.26% in 2015. Aim of this study was to know antenatal complications and pregnancy outcome in HIV infected pregnant women.
This retrospective study conducted from September 2005 to July 2016, carried at G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur U.P. Hospital records of all HIV infected pregnant women collected including medical conditions, antenatal complications and pregnancy outcomes.Out of 34924 women registered, 102 women were found HIV seropositive. Majority were multiparous (62.7%), registered in third trimester (58.8%) and had CD4 count <350 (43.1%).5.9% women were not on any Antiretroviral therapy (ART). Although incidence of gestational diabetes (8.8%), hypertension (5.8%)and fetal growth restriction (6.9%)were low but anemia (76.5%) and preterm births (23.5%) were more and 3 antenatal mortality were also noted. 65% women delivered vaginally, rest by caesarean section.
This study suggests link between HIV infection and adverse maternal outcome in form of anemia, preterm births and mortality. To conclude, goodmaternal outcomecan be achieved by effective counseling, adequate antenatal care and ART.