Introduction: The objective of the article is to describe the epidemiological and motivational characteristics, as well as the levels of anxiety-depression of the cases with suicidal intent, that received attention in the Regional Hospital of Cuilapa, Santa Rosa, Guatemala.
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. We interviewed all the people who tried to commit suicide in a period of 60 days, to identify their epidemiological and motivational characteristics, and the Hamilton test was applied for the search of levels of depression and anxiety.
Results: The following sociodemographic profile was detected: 58% women, 39% between 14 and 18 years old, followed by 39 to 43 years old with 16%, 45% did not profess any religion, 55% Singles, 65% working in agriculture and housewives. Seventy-one percent used poisoning as the main motive, with 84% of couples and relatives reported as the main reason. All cases showed anxiety and depression.
Conclusion: The sociodemographic characteristics of this study share some similarities with international references but at the same time have some particular characteristics that are important to consider in order to prevent this complex psycho-social problem. Information campaigns are required, but it´s necessary a multidisciplinary team triangulated with the patient and the family in order to avoid further suicide attempts or the culmination of suicide.