Communication is an unending process of communication which involves various skills such as speaking, listening and understanding. Especially verbal skills plays vital role in the process of communication in English Language. The spoken form – at least the segmental – was always recognized as an important part of language learning. One of the first to draw attention to the primary of oral speech. People who know a language are referred to as ‘speakers’ of that language, as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing. Effective verbal or spoken communication is dependent on a number of factors and cannot be fully isolated from other important interpersonal skills such as non-verbal communication, listening skills and clarification. The concept of communication aims at outlining a holistic, contemporary and efficient of spoken communication, the need for which in the present Indian higher education context was argued, which develops the skills of listening and speaking, with special focus on concomitant nonverbal skills. Such as a model will be essentially interactive in its nature. Exhibiting necessary pragmatic sensitivity to the content and out comes of any ongoing oral-communication to inform a course that can provide the basic enabling skills required to function effectively in the real and professional worlds. Procedure: Communication in the real world and the workplace is, therefore, understood as a dynamic, ongoing, complex, two-way process of sharing meaning, whereby, basically, a message is exchanged between a sender and a receiver. The channel may be oral or written, the message verbal and nonverbal. Other than the verbal information, the message is understood to comprise aural, visual and tactile messages. The sender’s encoded message and intended meaning is then decoded and understood by the receiver, though not always as intended by the sender. Feedback, which is an important element in the communication process, reverses the process- and conveys the response back to the sender. Especially, in English Language how we communicate depends on the purpose behind our communication. Purpose is related to needs and our needs for communication may be unconscious or conscious. In face-to-face (spoken) communication, the verbal forms of communication reveal our conscious purposes while the nonverbal forms express our unconscious purposes. Verbal communication (language) is a conscious effort to produce and send a message using sounds, symbols, words and visuals.
Conclusion: The concept of communication has been viewed from different perspectives, giving rise to different models of communication. Communication, as described by the models, was, firstly, a simple, linear process of total, unimpaired, transmission of content from a sender to a receiver. Communication is a complex and composite of several features, involving several elements. All or any of these can affect the flow of communication or cause a breakdown, the following are the various elements involved in Communication: The increased interaction among people brought about by globalization has emphasized the need for better communication skills. It lays emphasis on the
communicative ability of the pupils. In communication, it was pointed out, that what employees need today are better spoken skills, since most professional interaction is carried out in the spoken from. Spoken skills, it is argued, are particularly important at the workplace as they from the main channel of communication for the development of interpersonal skills.