OSMF is a major health problem affecting more than 2.5 million Indian populations under the age of 40 years and is the most poorly understood and unsatisfactorily treated disease. With the alarming rise in the incidence of OSMF there is an urgent requirement for an effective and safe remedy because of limitations of present therapies to either provide a complete cure or treating the patients at the cost of adverse effects.Curcumin due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties can be used in patients with OSMF as application of it is beneficial and inexpensive too.
Method: 20 clinically diagnosed OSMF patients were included each in the study and control group. The study group was prescribed to apply topically commercially available curcumin gel thrice daily. The 20 participants in the control group were not administered any treatment apart from counseling to quit the habit. All the participants were evaluated on the basis of VAS of burning sensation, mouth opening, blanching and fibrous bands on palpation in the recall visits
Results: There was statistically marked reduction in VAS of burning sensation and blanching. Noticeable mouth-opening and reduction in fibrous bands were also observed.
Conclusion: The choice of curcumintherapy is beneficial, affordable and noninvasive to those affected with OSMF. The observations of the present study are very encouraging and appear to be very effective in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis.