Wireless sensor network (WSN) refers to a group of low cost, mini sensor nodes geographically deployed for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment and aggregating the gathered data at a base location. Sensor nodes have self organizing ability, dynamic topology but they possess limited bandwidth, computing ability, limited battery power and storage space. Inspite of the above, sensor networks are being used widely and considered to be a boon where human interaction and wiring is impossible. As they are subject to various security attacks, Ensuring security is an important task in WSNs. In this research work, presented a tissue growing procedures inherited from human immune Biology which does security enhancement by concentrating on effective node aggregation wherein malicious nodes are eliminated and then clustering is initiated in the Anomaly detection procedure, misuse identification procedure detects the multiple attacks. When both the procedures are combined together, it provides a effective Intrusion detection system against attacks which combines both anomaly and misuse detection techniques together.