Background: Inguinal hernia repair is the most commonly performed elective surgery in India. Hernia affects 15%-20% of the general population. The prevalence of inguinal hernia in India is estimated to be 1.5 to 2 million. The estimated lifetime risk of inguinal hernia in men is 27% and 3% in women. Prevalence of inguinal hernia is age dependent and in males, it has a bimodal distribution curve, with the first peak in the first year of life and the second peak after the fourth decade of life. Materials and methods: An observational, retrospective study was conducted at Government Medical College, Kathua where 140 patients who visited the hospital with complaints of groin swelling with or without pain over a period of one year were included. These patients were thoroughly examined, all their demographic details were obtained and then they were either subjected to surgery after obtaining informed consent or managed conservatively. Results: Most of the study subjects were males aged above 60 years, followed by patients in their 4th to 6th decade. Male: female ratio was 46:1. The inguinal hernia was indirect type in 59% of the study population with its predominance on the right side. Most of the patients complained of groin swelling. Majority of the study population comprised of farmers and labourers. BPH was the most commonly associated comorbidity followed by COPD. Majority of the study population had a non-obstructed hernia. Patients were managed by different surgical techniques while those not fit for anaesthesia or did not give consent for surgery were managed conservatively. Local wound infection was seen in 11% of the study population. Conclusion: This was a retrospective, single-centred, observational study approved by the Institutional Human and Ethical Committee (IHEC) of the Institute wherein 140 patients admitted as cases of inguinal hernia were included and their clinico-demographic profile studied as per the aims and objectives of the study.