This study has made an attempt to analyze the labours in the unorganized sector and the problems that they face and welfare measures adopted by their employer and government. Labour welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement of the labour over and above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry. The basic purpose of labour welfare is to enrich the life of labour and keep them happy. Labourers spend most of their time at work. It can be seen and understood that these labouers help in the infrastructural development of the country, which is one of the most important role in the economic development of the country. They reasonably feel that when they are at work place or in trouble/ problems, they are supposed to get something back from the employer or the government. They look for support from both employer/contractor and government. They are entitled to be treated as human beings with personal needs, hopes and anxieties. It can be clearly seen that unorganized labours are living their life below the minimum standards level. Without a doubt, many informal workers are not in a position to meet their daily requirement. Maximum numbers of women worker are consistent victims of low wages when contrasted with men. There are number of legislations for the security of the labour force but those laws are routinely executed in organized sectors yet in actuality, it is not properly used or in most cases even implemented in unorganized sectors. So, here author has tried to focus on various problems of unorganized labour and the necessary solutions. The data were collected from different secondary resources like books, research paper, websites, and a range of accessible government reports and in addition to that various informations are also assembled after discussions with veteran government employees worked in this field.