Aims: Assess the habit of usage of mobile and its effects on student’s behavior among adolescence.
Materials and methods: Purposive sampling technique was used to select the 300 adolescents. Rating scale was used to assess the habit of mobile usage and behavior of adolescents. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the data like mean, median, SD, Frequency, Spearman rank correlation, and chi square test.
Results: The study results shows that 3.33% of adolescents are having poor habit of mobile usage, 31% are having average habit of mobile usage and 65.66% are having good habit of mobile usage. 1.33% are having poor behavior, 35.33% are having average behavior and 63.33% are having good behavior by the adolescents. This is the impact of mobile on adolescents. There is a significant positive correlation between habit of mobile usage and its impact on behavior of adolescents (r= 0.421). There is a significance association between gender with habit scores (Χ2=19.89, df=2, p=0.0639), hours of mobile usage in a day with habit scores (Χ2=30.59, df=6,p=0.0001), years of mobile usage with habit scores (Χ2=22.35, df=6, p=0.0001). There is no significant association between age in years with habit scores (Χ2= 5.502, df=2, p=0.0639). There is a significant association between gender with behavior scores (Χ2=28.61, df= 2, p=0.0001), hours of mobile usage with behavior scores (Χ2=32.65, df=6, p=0.0001), years of mobile usage with behavior score (Χ2=19.96, df=6, p=0.0001), where as no significant association between age in years with behavior score (Χ2=4.445, df=2, p=0.0639).
Conclusion: The Study concludes that in future many more studies has to be conducted on impact of mobile on different systems of the body, Psychological, social aspects. There is a need for giving awareness on adolescents adverse effect of mobile on health.