With increasing number of roles that student, the job market and employers demand from lecturers, it is true that lecturers’ stress and burnout are on a steady increase. Teachers generally use a wide range of coping strategies to deal with stress but very few find effective ways to counter the negative effects of stress. Coping is the behavior that occurs after the person has had a chance to analyze the situation, take reading of his or her emotions and to move to a closer or more distant position from the challenge. This research is aimed at identifying the perceived behavior under such situations and also to assess the coping strategies that teaching faculty adopts in accordance with their personality types. The study constitutes 486 sample respondents. ANOVA F Test, Mean and Standard Deviation are used as the statistical tool in this study. Keen observation acknowledges that teaching faculty working in self financing college and aided college has obtained highest mean coping score. In general, self financing colleges have given a special attention for attractions and quality of education in order to meet the competition. Similarly aided colleges have their own pattern to distinguish themselves. Hence, teaching faculty working in self financing colleges and aided colleges may have better coping skills compared to those working in government colleges.